Why we love Warkworth
Warkworth has always made us feel welcome, so we’d like to return the favor and welcome another newcomer to the Warkworth community of businesses.
One of the great things about Warkworth is that it is a community that cares about the people who live and work here. I never feel quite so appreciated as when we are about town and someone wants to stop and talk about their dog (or cat), or we run into one of the many people we know who visit our shop. I even have a swarm of bees that was given to me by someone in the community who heard I’d received my apiculture certificate, it’s just that kind of community!
So, when we’re meeting new people, I always like to keep the idea that we’re all here to make each other’s lives better and that goes double for when we’re meeting them in our store. Enter stage right, the team from Studio Pilates Warkworth, who popped in recently to tell us about what they’re doing to help make the community a nicer more connected place. Turns out, they’re trying to make more healthy humans, just like us! Okay, we are trying to make more healthy dogs and cats, but that’s just so they can make their humans happier and healthier (it’s health by proxy, stay with me people).
Making people feel welcome is what we do
Turns out they were spreading the word about their studio, and I thought the least we could do was to give them a hand. Exercise is important and finding someone you can trust to help you stay fit and active can be hard, but we really appreciated how approachable and kind the team who stopped in to visit us were and we think they’ll fit right in here in Warkworth. So, if you’re thinking about adding in a Pilates class, or you’d like to get started on a fitness journey with some truly great people, we’ve included their contact information below, or you can grab some information on what they’re providing the next time you’re in the shop. They’re also having an open day on February 15th so if you’re in the area, check them out.
Oh, and they’ve left us with a few free passes so you can check them out at no cost (way to bury the lede, Thorin!). if you’re still on the fence, just swing by and ask for them, they’re at the counter.
Thanks for taking the time and have a wonderful day, and we’ll see you all again soon.